My Work | Tue Volder
Project - Tue
This project was the final exam of the 2nd semester. The goal was to optimize our client's current page. The project included a full social media strategy along with rebranding of the client's company. Some of the tools used were Business Model Canvas and Double Diamond.
My Work | Froodle
The UX exam of 5th semester on the Web Development Bachelor. In this assignment, we made an interactive prototype based off Goal-Directed Design. Our assignment was to make an improved Learning Management System (LMS) where the point was to fix all the issues with User Experience on the current popular platforms (Fronter, Moodle)
My Work | Tuborg Nul
At the launch of the new alcoholfree beer from Tuborg in may 2020, we were tasked with putting the user in the center and designing around that. We were making the campaign in the form of a desktop website and series of documentation from field-research and interviews. The main focus was to make everyone feel included regardless of what type of beer they were drinking. Business Model Canvas and Golden Circle was some of the main tools used.
My Work | Fnis med Snif
Our client provided us with a task to create a game for kids between the age 3-6 years old and our goal was to teach them about saving heat, water and electricity. The main goal was to work with SVGs and advanced animation in order to create something fun and educational for the kids. Working with Adobe Illustrator and exporting the SVG paths to manipulate was a great way of learning the format. (16:9 for optimal size)
My Work | Current Projects
I am currently finishing my exam projects at 6th semester of web development. We are working on a banking system in Django & Python, a webshop in Web Security and containerizing a project with continuous integration/deployment with Docker and Nginx in the development environment course
HTML, CSS & JavaScript
The holy trinity of web design
Adobe Apps
Photoshop, Illustrator, Xd, Indesign & Premiere Pro
Wordpress & Concrete
Backend & Wordpress Rest Api
Development Environments
Working with Unix, Git, Docker, Shellscripting and continuous Integration
Procedural PHP
Web Security
Working with Burpsuite and other security related tools
Interactive Prototyping
Python & Django
Currently learning
Front-end Frameworks
Bootstrap, Materialize and many more
About Me
My name is Daniel, I'm a 38 year-old Web Development student at KEA currently on my 6th semester. I lived in Copenhagen my entire
life. During my initial education in multimediadesign, my selected elective was front-end development.
I have finally found the thing in life that makes me the most excited, and that is being able to code and learn new stuff as
technology evolves.
Helping others as I learn along the way is one of my deepest passions. I love being able to figure out solutions as a team and I love
to look back on old projects and see how far I've come.
Ambition and self-discipline is something I never lack and I thrive on getting smarter and better at coding every day.
Contact / Hire
If you are interested to work with me, feel free to contact me.
Mail me at
Contact me at +45 61 46 11 39
Connect with me on LinkedIn
I am currently looking for unpaid internship - Read more below
As part of my last semester of my bachelor in Web Development, I am currently looking for 10 weeks of unpaid intership from August to December. Please contact me if you want to have me in for an interview.
See my CV